Thursday, October 28, 2010
Good Luck Everyone!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Suggestion and Recommendation for Educational Policy
Educational Policy
Survey Analysis
For the last question, there are 52% (26 people) have chosen for less attention on students' facilities. This happen because students need many facilities for their study. Students will know about real world when they know what they are really dealing with. For example, laboratory should prepare equipment that is in good condition for student to make experiment or project. The environment of study also should be improved so student feels more exciting to study. the facilities being suggest here are more reference in library, nice view on their places of study, good instructor to know how to handle any instrument and so on.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
This video has a very meaningful storyline. It makes me think how "Tanah Air" is vital for every single person who lives in it. Somehow we do not look deep down in any matter. We do not know what will future give us. We should be one to make one peaceful life in this country. Take lesson from other country which suffer from war. We should not take granted for what we have now. The UNITY is the only solution. ~Rush~
Friendship Gain Unity
In the song, there are some passages which are so intresting to my heart to share with you all. Last week I have presented this song as my topic for my presentation. Let me conclude the things that I have said in the class last week. From the song, I discovered that, we should not be afraid if before this, we chose the wrong path because, whatever we done lastly, we still has place to go, which is meet somebody who trust us the most. In additon, we should not care what the other people say on somebody we care, because we are the only person who understand them, the same meaning here, we should not look down to the others or somebody. In conclusion, if we live in large community, we need to help each other for mutual success rather than opress one another. Enjoy the song.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Quote of Today
Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
Today, lecturer start the class by asking around of this quote... Somehow i had learned new quote today and gain some useful knowledge from the class. This quote is a motivation quote which inspire people to watch out our own every single aspects in ourselves in order to build out a better characteristic, personality and attitude ---> way to be a success person. The impression of others about ourselves is reflected by our own characters. Guys, if you all still stuck at the half way or lost in the middle of your journey of life, please wake up hurry and continue your journey with more meaningful memories and go through the correct path way...O(∩_∩)O...
By: Alice
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Ethronicianz‘s Project Video: START in Our University ---> UMP!!!
From:Alice ....O(∩_∩)O...
Saturday, October 16, 2010
One Malaysia One Dream
From: Alice ...O(∩_∩)O...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Let Us Love Our Multi-Ethnic Community!!!
The improvement of race relations deserves our ongoing attention. We must do it for our children, our grandchildren, and their children. In the internet community, we can also share, enrich and potentially save our customs although we all come out from different races and ethnics. In the multi-ethnic community, we need to better understand each other to build better communities, cities, nations and a better world. For me, I also get make friends with other country friends through internet community. From them, I learn a lot of their cultures like when their national day is and how they celebrate on it. There is no harm for us to make friends among other country ethnics as we can learn more from them and we can also let them understand more on our cultures.
So, in conclusion, create strong bonding among different races or ethnics are an important task for us! Like in the message from the USARiseUp video, we should build a good relationship among different ethnic even with ethnic from other country to create a harmony n peaceful world. How will be our future community look like? Well, the answer is in our hand. So, let us hold hands together to build a better community in future!
~From: ALICE~ ...O(∩_∩)O...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Ethnicity is a socially important demographic marker throughout the world. In many countries, however, it is not collected or reported in official population statistics, typically for reasons of social policy. Race is a concept with a contentious history and is no longer in use in anthropology. But in the United States, both concepts have long been, and continue to be, prominent features of population statistics. This article is therefore focused on the U.S. case.
The racial and ethnic composition of the U.S. population has changed markedly since the founding of the nation as successive waves of immigrants arrived from an ever-shifting array of countries around the world. Classifying persons as a member of particular racial or ethnic groups is, however, far from straightforward, not only because of the increasingly complicated mix of identities among children whose parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents were members of different groups, but also because social definitions of race and ethnicity have changed through time. Despite these complexities, it is clear that the racial and ethnic composition of the U.S. population has been becoming increasingly diverse especially since the 1970s, and this trend is projected to continue.
For more, you may read at this website:
From: Alice ...O(∩_∩)O...
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A Touching Inspirational Story
The determination of a guy to go through all the hardships and obstacles of his life with imperfect body parts. Should we feel ashame for us who have both legs and arms/perfect body parts, but we don't have such strong determination to do everything and we even give up whenever we encounter with troubles and problems.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Forum Part 2

Firstly, I want to say sorry because too late to write this post. However, I still remember how the second forum has been done by other group. My group has done it in forum part 1. Our group is volunteered by myself, Fatin Izzwani Azman. Honestly, I think in forum part 1 I answered very bad and I admit, I lack in doing revisions and nervous also, but my friend still said that I'm very cool in front there. Ok, forget about the first forum. Now, I want to summarize about the second forum. In my opinion, the second forum is more formal then first forum maybe it is because the forum is lead by a girl named Amira. She is very polite and can handle the forum very nicely and interesting. But the first forum is lot of jokes and interesting too. From what I see, most of the panel seem to be more serious and looks like they have been doing some revisions because they answered the question smoothly eventhough, some of them not. I really interesting how two of the panel answer the questions and they are Enti Nashila and Adeebah. They give a very good explanations to the audience. To conclude, I think this activity teach us to prepare whatever we want to talk or explain to the others so, we are not nervous or still thinking what are we going to answer. Hopefully, there will be another forum but hopefully also it comes with the more interesting topic not history again.
Monday, August 23, 2010
First Day of Forum
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Time to Review Back on Our Country HISTORY!!

For this coming Thursday, another interesting activity will be held in ethnic relationship class --- FORUM. What is a forum?? Well, forum is actually an open discussion for various topics. It may be a challenge for me as I always lack of confidence in sound out my thoughts and giving opinion. In order to answer well during forum, there is another big challenges for us to handle which is we need to understand and know well about our country past history such as Malacca period, Japanese occupation, Malayan Union, MAGERAN and so on. Not many of us can memorise or remember our country own history. As what our lecturer said in class just now, it could be a shame for us when a foreigner ask us about our country history but we ourselves could not manage to answer him even a single words. So, what we should do now? Go to the library, find the relevant book or try to surf more information through internet to flash back our memory about our own country. Hope everyone will enjoy the forum for the coming Thursday! …O(∩_∩)o…
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Learning Ethnic Relationships in An Interesting Way---COMICS

This first comic is about the issue of enculturation. The foreign student seems can’t get use of the new environment and keep on complaining on the food. As we stay at different culture environment or study at foreign country, we should learns the culture there and try to acquires values and behaviours that are appropriate in that culture. If not, we could hardly survive in other country.
Next, the comic is about a dialogue between a mother and her son. Her son is receiving a compliment letter from a man who has ‘different colour of skin’ or different race that delicate to his mother. The component of ethnic relationships that take part in this comic is segregation. In our daily life, there has been a separation of different kinds of human into racial groups. Different races are communicated with each other’s nicely and there have been lots of marriage between different races in the plural country.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
~~~ ER~~~ :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Think & Answer