Monday, October 25, 2010

Survey Analysis

Above is the results analysis of our online survey. There had been 50 people took part in our online survey. For question 1, the result shows that there are 26 people (52%) satisfied with our country nowadays educational policy as today educational policy may have fulfilled their requirement of educational and many of them may have got some benefits from the policy. Meanwhile, there are 24 people (48%) not satisfied with the educational policy. This may cause of they have been given unfair treatment from the government education, for example a student fail to get government scholarship although they get straight A’s in their STPM or SPM. From this issue, it had driven the disagreement on parts of the people and they are unsatisfied with the educational policy.

For question 2, there are 32 people (64%) think that the mission will be succeed while 18 people (36%) think that the mission will fail to achieve. The reasons why people think of the mission will be achieved may because they are confident with the education ministry of the government and they believe the educational policy of the government will sure lead the mission to a success. Minority people are still not so confident and support the government educational policy as they think that the mission will not be achieved. This condition may due to lack of awareness among the community which they do not take note about today educational policy and they are lack of information on the education policy which lead them don’t have much confident on the educational policy. In spite of, their mind may also being affected by the negative issues of the educational policy.      

Our next question is about do we get any benefits from the educational policy. From this question, we can see many people answering YES. The percentages of answering YES are 80% (40 people) while only 20% (10 people) answering NO. This result shows that most of the people are getting benefits of our educational policy nowadays and they enjoy the policy as they have got what they want through the educational policy. Nevertheless, get some people say no may due to the some issues of educational policy which is happening.  As we know, the Ministry of Education is currently studying seriously on the proposal to abolish UPSR and PMR examinations in order to improve the standards of education and to create more “thinking” students rather than those relying purely on 'regurgitation' to pass examinations. However, this policy may not really help students to improve themselves and they even will become lazier as more examinations are abolished and they no longer need to study hard for the examinations which they can straight away continue their study easily without any exams.

Question 4 is about survey the opinion on the educational policy in our country will produce more experts in different fields or not. From the result, there are 52% (26 people) do not agree with the educational policy in our country because, they argued, if the educational policy in our country is effective enough to produce experts, why the students in our own country sent abroad merely to further their education in their respective fields. They also argued, students who studying abroad is easier to get work in their own country. Moreover, most of them get more lucrative salaries than those who had studied in their own country. This means that the educational policy in our country still have something to be improve. Government should seek measures to ensure that educational policy in our country is good enough to be proud of among our own people in Malaysia especially students, so they would no longer to further their study outside from Malaysia.

However, there is still 48% (24 people) from the survey agree with the educational policy in our country. They believe that the educational policy in our country is still effective to produce more experts in different fields. In my opinion, most of them think that, an excellent person starts from the bottom of where they come to know what education is. What I mean here, an excellent person starts from primary and secondary schools. If they are not good enough or not an excellent person in their schools, then how come they will be sent abroad just to further their study? As we can see also, the students from foreign countries, like Sudan, Indonesia, India, Arab and other countries, there is some of them tend to pursue their studies in Malaysia. This shows that, educational policy in Malaysia still effective to produce experts in different fields.

For the last question, there are 52% (26 people) have chosen for less attention on students' facilities. This happen because students need many facilities for their study. Students will know about real world when they know what they are really dealing with. For example, laboratory should prepare equipment that is in good condition for student to make experiment or project. The environment of study also should be improved so student feels more exciting to study. the facilities being suggest here are more reference in library, nice view on their places of study, good instructor to know how to handle any instrument and so on.

The 2nd highest percentage of 22% (11 people) goes to lack of patriotism in students to serve their own country. Students is lack on this factor because discourage to feel proud of their own country. This happen because many problem have occurred in this country. Political issues, racial issues, and many more have made negatively perception on student’s side. Our government should bring attention to young generation to love then serve their own country. It shall be effective when the problems of country solved wisely, and all citizens could have their own specialty.

Next is followed by no incentive or less scholarship offered for the excellent students which get 18% (9 people) response. When there is incentive or gifts for excellent student, the student will more dynamic to achieve on to be good students. The people's money should not be wasted to spend on something that is not producible and can be use on this cleaner way. On the other hand, teaching staff salaries got the less percentage that is 8% (4 people) chose. the student is the one who drive their own way. do they want to go to the peak or fall trying nothing and be useless in the end. they should not depend fully to the teaching staff to feed knowledge to them. That is why the water is not filling in the tank.

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