Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Let Us Love Our Multi-Ethnic Community!!!

Today, I would like to share about a video clip with you all which are about rise up racial and ethnic groups from The reason why I share this video clip with you all is it’d gave an inspiration for me on the importance of improve our race relationships. This video clip is a short inspiration video which its purpose is to let people take note about why and how should we strengthen the relationships among different ethnic and racial group in today community. Through this video clip, we can see that USARiseUp stress on how to enforce a multi-ethnic society to share their customs of different ethnic cities, preserving them and create a dialogue among its readership.

The improvement of race relations deserves our ongoing attention. We must do it for our children, our grandchildren, and their children. In the internet community, we can also share, enrich and potentially save our customs although we all come out from different races and ethnics. In the multi-ethnic community, we need to better understand each other to build better communities, cities, nations and a better world. For me, I also get make friends with other country friends through internet community. From them, I learn a lot of their cultures like when their national day is and how they celebrate on it. There is no harm for us to make friends among other country ethnics as we can learn more from them and we can also let them understand more on our cultures.

So, in conclusion, create strong bonding among different races or ethnics are an important task for us! Like in the message from the USARiseUp video, we should build a good relationship among different ethnic even with ethnic from other country to create a harmony n peaceful world. How will be our future community look like? Well, the answer is in our hand. So, let us hold hands together to build a better community in future!

~From: ALICE~ ...O(∩_∩)O...

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