Sunday, October 24, 2010


What is racism? Racism is discrimination or prejudice based on a race. During the 2010 Fifa world cup, the players spread a message before every game starts. The message was “Say No To Racism”. Why the Fifa and South Africa have came up with this idea because, South Africa is well known for its Apartheid issue. Apartheid issue happened when the White discriminate the black due to racism. Because of that, the black people of south Africa have really suffered a lot from this issue. In order to create awareness to the people around the world, about this racism which can destroy a community, the Fifa and south Africa came up with this message.

Let us see the situation in Malaysia. Whenever a foreign people come to Malaysia the first they say about Malaysia is ‘Malaysia is unique’ because of its multicultural races. They think we are living together in harmony. But in reality does this situation happening now?  No!! We are always having a situation where racial issues take place. Pointing finger to another race and criticising them will never make a peaceful community but will lead to a situation of angriness. For example, let me tell about a few incidents that happened that raised the racial issue among the three major communities. The first one happened in Johor, where a school headmaster allegedly called the ‘non-malays’ as passengers of this country during assembly upon launching the independents day celebration. Second incident happened in Kedah, where a school headmaster also have scolded a few Chinese students because they were eating in front of malay students during the month of Ramadan and asked them to go back to China since they are not respecting the culture of others. This sensitive incidents have raised the racial issues among the races and was highlighted in medias.

If this kind of Situation happens again and again, the 13 may tragedy might repeat again. It is very important where we get our education from. Whether it’s from our parents or teachers, it’s very important that we learn to respect all no matter which race they are from. Parents and teachers are playing the important role in educating their children to respect other cultures and stay united.

There is only one race in earth, which is the Human race. Because of skin colour and physical characteristics, we are different from each other. We as a Malaysian,(Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban ,Kadazan and various ethnics from Sabah and Sarawak) fall under one race, which is the Asian Race.

Those who practice racism, prejudice, and discrimination need to repent. “Present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God” (Romans 6:1)

Before I end, let me end with a phrase, “UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL”.


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