Tuesday, July 27, 2010

~~~ ER~~~ :)

Last week in ER class, I have done an interesting activity that is crossword puzzle. It's a pairing activity. I fun do it with my partner. Being honest, for the 1st time I didn't know what word should we find in that crossword puzzle. The instruction is clear. We must find 12 word that is related to the ER which is 12 basic concept of ER. But lack of knowledge within ER were barrier us a little bit, haha... My partner and I try our best but unluckily we not the winner for that day. A bit disappointed.. :( but, never mind.. ngee~

Today, we create a comic. There were 4 differ comic that we should finishing. We done the task in a group of blogging. Actually its enjoyable activity but I have no idea to it, hoho. .. To do the task, we need to create a story related to the ER. We must choose 1 issue for 1 comic.

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