Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Forum Part 2

Firstly, I want to say sorry because too late to write this post. However, I still remember how the second forum has been done by other group. My group has done it in forum part 1. Our group is volunteered by myself, Fatin Izzwani Azman. Honestly, I think in forum part 1 I answered very bad and I admit, I lack in doing revisions and nervous also, but my friend still said that I'm very cool in front there. Ok, forget about the first forum. Now, I want to summarize about the second forum. In my opinion, the second forum is more formal then first forum maybe it is because the forum is lead by a girl named Amira. She is very polite and can handle the forum very nicely and interesting. But the first forum is lot of jokes and interesting too. From what I see, most of the panel seem to be more serious and looks like they have been doing some revisions because they answered the question smoothly eventhough, some of them not. I really interesting how two of the panel answer the questions and they are Enti Nashila and Adeebah. They give a very good explanations to the audience. To conclude, I think this activity teach us to prepare whatever we want to talk or explain to the others so, we are not nervous or still thinking what are we going to answer. Hopefully, there will be another forum but hopefully also it comes with the more interesting topic not history again.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of Forum

Our class of ethnic relationship is divided into 12 groups. As we have limited of time for the forum, this forum will be held for two days and each day will have 6 panels. For the first day of the forum, the group is lead by Mr. Mohd Khaideer. Each of the panel is responsible to answer the questions from each group representative. A forum which like a Q&A session. The panels need to understand well the question asked and revise back on their regarding topic in order to answer well and solve the questions that are asked by others group members. Basically, most of the panels are facing difficulties in give out their opinion by using English as their language. Tomorrow 24/08 will be the second session of the forum. Hopefully, all panels will be more fluent in English in answering the questions and give a clear an explanation to their audiences. Good luck for my friends! o(∩_∩)o...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Time to Review Back on Our Country HISTORY!!

For this coming Thursday, another interesting activity will be held in ethnic relationship class --- FORUM. What is a forum?? Well, forum is actually an open discussion for various topics. It may be a challenge for me as I always lack of confidence in sound out my thoughts and giving opinion. In order to answer well during forum, there is another big challenges for us to handle which is we need to understand and know well about our country past history such as Malacca period, Japanese occupation, Malayan Union, MAGERAN and so on. Not many of us can memorise or remember our country own history. As what our lecturer said in class just now, it could be a shame for us when a foreigner ask us about our country history but we ourselves could not manage to answer him even a single words. So, what we should do now? Go to the library, find the relevant book or try to surf more information through internet to flash back our memory about our own country. Hope everyone will enjoy the forum for the coming Thursday! …O(_)o…